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Unveiling Migraine. Insights for Osteopaths
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Philip Van Caille

Unveiling Migraine. Insights for Osteopaths
Unveiling Migraine. Insights for Osteopaths

This educational video for osteopaths delves into the complex subject of migraine, one of the most prevalent neurological conditions affecting millions worldwide. The introductory chapter emphasizes the necessity of addressing migraines due to their widespread impact and the often limited scope of traditional symptom-focused therapies. The presenter highlights ten common but unhelpful statements migraine sufferers frequently hear, such as "Just reduce your stress" or "Why don't you take a pill?", and debunks these misconceptions.

Statistical data reveal significant differences in migraine prevalence between Western Europe and regions like South America, Asia, and Africa, suggesting lifestyle and environmental factors play crucial roles. The video discusses "Cortical Spreading Depression" (CSD), a key mechanism in migraine pathogenesis, linking it to the activation of the trigeminovascular system and pain onset.

Key parts of the video include identifying "red flag" headaches needing urgent medical attention and distinguishing between migraines with and without aura. It also addresses children's migraines, noting differences in symptoms compared to adults.

Pathophysiologically, the video underscores the role of the hypothalamus and systemic factors like insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation in triggering migraines. The comprehensive approach includes patient education, lifestyle modifications, trigger identification and avoidance, and manual osteopathic treatments.

The video concludes with practical therapy strategies, emphasizing personalized patient care, the potential benefits of supplements like magnesium, riboflavin, and coenzyme Q10, and the efficacy of osteopathic manipulative treatments in managing migraines, improving resilience, and reducing susceptibility to attacks.

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Philip Van Caille is an experienced osteopath from Belgium. He started his private practice in Bruges in 1986 and relocated to Switzerland in 2001, where he continues his work. His professional career spans over three decades. Since 1990, Philip has been an influential figure in osteopathic education across Europe. His areas of interest include bioregulative osteopathy based on profound knowledge in biochemistry, biophysiology, and orthomolecular medicine, functional pediatric orthodontics, craniomandibular dysfunctions, and resetting allostatic systems. Beyond his clinical work, Philip is the founder and director of More Osteopathy, an institution offering postgraduate courses for osteopaths, as well as EASO - the European Academy of Sports Osteopathy.
Philip Van Caille
Philip Van Caille
Philip Van Caille
Ingeborg Depoorter was born in Ostend, Belgium, a beautiful city near the North Sea. She graduated in Bruges with a master's degree in physical therapy in 2005. During her studies, she was inspired by a teacher who was an osteopath, leading her to pursue further studies in Ghent to become an osteopath, a decision she considers the best she ever made. For the past 15 years, osteopathy has been Ingeborg's passion. She runs her own practice in Ostend and also has a clinic in the Netherlands. When not at work, Ingeborg enjoys running on the beach and taking walks with her dog. A few fun facts about her: one of her favorite places in the world is the mountains, and if she had chosen a different career, she would have become a professional bartender.
Ingeborg Depoorter
Ingeborg Depoorter
Ingeborg Depoorter

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